Case Study Better Results With EB Technology

Case Study—Better Results with EB Technology

At the beginning of 2014, Maheso looked to launch a new product line with a new marketing approach. The product was "Cheese Pop," bite-sized freed cheese balls that to Americans would be something like a cross between a donut hole and Combos. The new approach for Maheso was going with new flexible packaging resembling a square potato chip bag.

Once the design for the package was laid out the next step was to produce a final print product that offered better image quality and dot control while providing savings year after year. In order to achieve those goals, Maheso partnered with ComexiGroup and Inplacsa.

"ComexiGroup, machinery supplier in the flexible packaging industry, Inplacsa and Maheso have cooperated to achieve a more sustainable packaging that keeps the quality and the food security characteristics of the frozen products company," reported Packaging Europe Magazine.

A big part of achieving more sustainable packaging is implementing the latest and best technologies, like electron beam. That's why when the "Cheese Pop" printing process started, the partnership used Energy Sciences Inc. (ESI) eBeam technology.

Only one electron beam dryer is required at the end of the press, so all thermal and interstation dryers are eliminated. Drying with ESI EB technology at the end of the CI Web Offset has made the "Cheese Pop" printing process more sustainable, safer and quicker along with creating a better final print product.
