Posts in Electron Beam Advantages
EB Vs. Uv Penetration - EB Curable Technology

Electron beam and ultraviolet curing technologies are both advanced, environmentally friendly, and are more effective methods for curing inks, laminating adhesives, and coatings than solvent or water based technologies. However, the two are very distinct methods, and sometimes one will be better suited for different applications than the other will. One factor that separates the two technologies is material penetration, and to help you choose the technology that’s best for you, today we will discuss how Electron Beam and UV curing differ in terms of material penetration, and how they perform in different situations.

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Electron Beam Cost Reductions Material Waste

Finding new and innovative ways to reduce costs is just as important an objective to any executive as is optimizing revenues and profitability. In a difficult economic climate, reducing costs becomes even more important.

In the world of printing, reducing costs all too frequently also means diminishing quality. There is one cost savings measure, however, that is available to printers that does not compromise quality; in fact, it provides unsurpassed print quality.

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Electron Beam Cost Reductions Manpower

In every industry, efficiency is a chief concern. One can streamline operations in numerous ways, and some turn to the reduction of employees as a fast fix when a company is trying to stem spending. Unfortunately, a reduction in manpower often leads to a reduction in quality, reliability and production. With electron beam technology, those in the packaging industry need not entertain such concerns.

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Improve Laminating Process

The printing and laminating industry is in constant flux. There are two main factors that drive that: one, the technology keeps changing and two, the consumer demand continues to change.

Package durability, size, tear and scratch resistance, color, etc., all go into what process is used and how much profits are affected. Companies are looking for the best process that is both safe and profitable.

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Lifetime Support

There are a lot of different things going on in printing and curing operations around the world. Different warehouses and workers dealing with different clients and demands. If something goes wrong, you need immediate help right away— downtime means increased costs, schedule delays, and upset customers.

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Matters Company

The business landscape continues to change. It used to be all about the bottom line, but now companies are being created for all kinds of reasons that go beyond profit.

Some companies are looking to change their environmental approach, others want to change the industry with an increase in quality or process, and some are out to provide a better working environment.

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