Posts in Electron Beam Advantages
Electron Beam Works Well

The technology has been around for almost half a century, so the skeptics and doubters are hard to come by as it relates to the benefits of electron beam technology.

Over the decades, it has simply been a matter of economics . Does the cost of the new machine still allow for the profit targets outlined in the company’s current business plan? ebeam is a safer, cleaner process, but what about the bottom line?

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Electron Beam Optimal Curing Method

What does everyone want? The best process at the lowest cost. That can be achieved in the curing and printing industries with electron beam technology.

It starts with cost. Your profit and loss statement will look a lot better when you are dealing with less waste. With electron beam, there is less material waste, you don’t need as much manpower and your operating costs will be lowered as well.

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